WORK: The evils from which you suffer will pass suddenly, Do not unlisten the advice from those who are your most beloved ones. Find in affection and in your home a new activity of recreation that can end-up being very lucrative. Labor novelties, a friend proposes a society or participation in a new project to you, finds a job or teaches some labor technique to you. It is also a good moment to initiate an independent activity. Beneficial and very comfortable labor relations. Good moment to save money thinking about the future. Beware with temperature changes. Control and learn to handle your ego so it helps you and not the reverse, use this resource and others in the attainment of your desires and to elevate your confidence in yourself and to thus manage to do, your miracles a reality.
LOVE: Do not analyze your feelings that much, take your time to know what you feel and then proceed. The throw yourself into mistakes will serve to you as apprenticeship to start all over. That is not the true way of love, jealousy do not lead to anything and are not signal of eternal love, but of eternal problems that will never ever finish… You must have to change or the jealousy will rot away everything and they will not leave anything good for anybody. Ideal period to make peace. If you achieve it, you will obtain very intense intimate moments… In this period you will learn to surpass inhibitions and fears that are deeply rooted. Defend your privacy with calm, if you achieve it with intelligence you will get strong support of the entire people who are to your surroundings.
HEALTH: Do not let problems to depress you, face your conflicts with courage and if you need help, just ask for it. Personal development is an own necessity of the Human beings, and like creative beings who we are we took this characteristic to form our lives on a base superior and to obtain therefore happiness and a greater vitality, the downheart overshadow can the results or of throwing us for down… You do not decay and lifts your volume of energy and Life. Aquarians that share family reunions and celebrations with friends, will change your mood in a favorable way, they will be very well arranged to establish a dialog flowed with all, increasing positive relationships.