WORK: You will have to pay much attention and of the not to commit no act which can regret. It is careful with the bad interpretations and gossips in work space. Of equal way you must watch the rest, with understanding, love and tolerance… and in the beauty and the greatness of power to see the divinity in the differences, and the majors possibilities in the diversity, of sexes, opinions, colors, goals… You will have to dedicate but time when having a discussion with fellow workers or partners since otherwise the risk runs of having numerous discussions to you they will cause serious conflicts. Declare with vehemence and power: “I am as I am and I can be better, I give to yourself some myself to be the best thing than I can give”.
LOVE: Excellent moment of intimate understanding. Great impetus to initiate new activities. To be able and charisma of the day at your service. All that one so it has destined it to the Universe is written in your heart, open to same You are the key of the knowledge and of success in life. The ideal to maintain a relation of long time is to avoid isolation, the gadgets and the lies, since this situation by long time will cause that maintain remote to all those praise that it or attack that it, as well as you will have to avoid all type of misunderstandings, that can bring about discussions. Great social and loving activity that boat the entire principle of this month. Good possibilities to be happy and for passing it better.
HEALTH: A routine in your life try to be made to stay and balance active. Inactivity it is not good although it is necessary, is very important to be able to destine a time to stay healthful. Exits in the nature will improve your circulation, spirit and self-esteem. Causing the natural change it transforms to you into a power to take advantage of the miracles that the Universe puts to its step, to obtain personal, material and spiritual growth that is give to yourself some. Badly group moment for celebrations or exits. Moments of tranquility it is what it is needing. These native ones will be passing through a car examination where they will look for in your Interior that sensible and romantic being that is accustomed to hide-and-seek.